HEALTH STUDIES AUGUST 27, 2017 CAN CHEMICALS IN YOGA MATS MAKE WOMEN INFErtile? A new study suggests that there might be a link between products such as yoga mats and infertility among women — at least when it comes to the chemicals found in these products. The study, which involved researchers from Harvard University and the University of Michigan, took a look at 211 women who had checked into the Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center for in vitro fertilization screening. According to Forbes , the researchers evaluated the women for exposure to organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs), which can be found in products that use polyurethane foam, such as car seats, sofas, computer chairs, and yoga mats. Infertility, as it turned out, was a huge risk of exposure to PFRs, as women with these chemicals in their urine had a 40 percent smaller chance of successfully giving birth, or even getting pregnant. The New York Daily N...