Top 10 foods that will improve your eye health

                                             EYES are one of the most Important component of our body as so it is very important not just one of the Vital part of our body but also the most Vital part of our LIFE in general.So it is very important to take very good care of our Eyes by eating Healthy Foods that will Improve its well being. Here are Top 10 foods to boost your Eye Health                                                                                                                TOP 10 FOODS THAT IMPROVE YOUR EYE HEALTH                                                          1,Broccoli: Broccoli are rich in many nutrients like Vitamin B2, Lutein, zeaxanthin and antioxidants which will prevent blurred vision and ocular fatigue and also prevent hair fall and improve hair health.                                                                                                                                                          2,Carrots:They are so healthy they contains lots of Vitamin A,which will protects from cataracts and Muscular degeneration.                                                                                                                             3,Salmons:Salmons are rich in B vitamins and Omega 3 fatty acids which will Reduce AGE related muscular degeneration.                                                                                                                              4,Walnuts:It have a lot of healthy fats.Omega 3 fatty acids found in Walnuts keeps our eyes moist and prevent it from cataracts .                                                                                                                    5,Blueberries:Blueberries contains two important antioxidants such as anthocyanins  and chlorogenic acids which will fight against various AGE conditions.                                                                            6,Strawberries,strawberries because of its high content of  vitamins C,antioxidants and Fibers which will sharpens EYE vision.                                                                                                                          7,Pepper it contains lot of important Vitamins like A,C and B so it is very healthy for eye .                  8,Green Leafy Vegetables :green leafy vegetables like spinashes,Kale that are rich in Lutein and zeaxanthin that prevent Light induced eye damage and hair fall and improve hair health.                       9,Avocados it contains luteins and zeaxanthin which protects Eyes from harmful UV radiations.           10,Sweet Potatos are rich in beta carotens which will improve our night vision and prevents cataracts.


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